Jan 28, 2016

Block play

My life now is consumed with waiting for this reluctant little grandchild who will not be born. He is a boy after all, and I'm told they are lazy. However, I did manage to get some work done in the studio yesterday, finally. 

I finished the top and bottom borders for Many Moons. Now working on the sides. While slowly waking up this morning, I decided to do each corner in the above yellow fabric (with a crescent moon in each block) and a sort of back and forth flying geese pattern for the sides in above two colors. 

I also started thinking about my story quilt again. I'm thinking I'd like to add some sawtooth star blocks. 

Also, I originally thought I'd do a black and white small block background, but the black and white made me feel a bit overwhelmed...
...so I played with black and purple, in an Amish sort of way, and really liked the results. You can see the difference in the above sketch. 

Well, my daughter went to the doctor and was told there is no dilation, even though she had a show. So there's no change

Jan 16, 2016


Am presently working on my postcard for the Twitter Art Exhibit. This year the exhibit will be held at the Trygve Lie Gallery in NYC, benefiting Foster Pride's Handmade program. 

This will be a quilted fabric postcard when finished. I feel like this is first in a series of quilts that I will call Sacred Waters. This is a 6x4 prototype. The H2Oh! quilt entry will be next, at about 70x90. Much larger but still examining mothers, babies and water in short supply. There is a sacred connection in this act of bathing your child. I remember the first time I gave my daughter a bath. I was terrified. But my mother showed me how to hold her little head up and what temperature the water should be. And I will be doing the same for my daughter very soon with her baby boy. 

Lucky us, we have plenty of water for our baby's tub. The women that will be in my quilts do not. 

Made a quick trip to the parsonage last weekend. We went for a little walk and discovered that there are wild peacocks in the neighborhood. This is the lovely white peacock that lives in our town.

And this is the cat who kicked the peacock out of her yard in our town. She was very miffed. 

The weather has been strange everywhere it seems. The poor camillia doesn't know whether to hold on or let go. We all feel like that sometimes, camillia.

Jan 6, 2016

H2OH! beginnings

I have begun planning a quilt for entry into the SAQA H2OH! show next year. The quilts are to interpret the importance of water in our lives.

Three ideas began to form in my head. Babies and mothers being ever present in my mind these days, holy water, and drought. I mulled these things over and over. I started thinking about places affected by drought and Africa came to mind first.

Mothers bathing their infants in countries where water is a precious commodity. And I could see in my mind, cracked dry earth.

Which then led me to think of flour paste resist. 

This is one of my favorite techniques. Nice and sloppy and messy! So that is where I am so far with this quilt.

Still working away on Clara's Many Moons. I'm sewing the larger parts together now and working on a border.

Jan 3, 2016

Well who knew

Howdy! Yes, I'm back. I came into the old Warped and Woaded blogspot to look for a picture and realized, hey... people are still visiting this site! What the heck?! Why not just come back here...I can change my mind right? I'm a woman.

Since it's been well over a year, let's play a little catch up shall we?
Biggest event... remember how I was saying there are no grandchildren on the horizon as of yet? Well, that's changed. We're now expecting not one but two grandchildren. One daughter is having a boy and the other a girl. Couldn't ask for any better than that!

I haven't been weaving. It's just too physically taxing. I have however been quilting. As a weaver, I was really missing that connection with fiber. Quilting gives me that.

Not much else is new. This feels pretty right coming back to the old blog. I think I just needed a break. So happy new year to all...may 2016 find you up and dancing!