Jul 12, 2012

Baby steps

I am taking the advice of my fellow bloggers and resting as much as possible. I think my neck is improving. Saw the doc and this morning went for massage theapy. Oh yeah... that felt good. And with nightly hot showers and neck massage provided by DH, I think I am slowly on the mend.  

Meanwhile, I am looking forlornly at my loom and the threaded and sleyed warp that is just hanging there all dejected. But it's ok because this covalescence is forcing me to sit still and think more about color.

I've decided to do a rug/tapestry series inspired by MiMo colors and shapes. I'm also trying to stick with four basic colors; using various mixes of the four, periwinkle, salmon, turquoise and golden ochre... all Jacquard acid dye colors. Above is Crayola experiments. Will mix up the dyes and try out different mixes soon.

Jul 7, 2012


I put my back out trying to pick up this...

...not really

I did pinch a nerve in my neck and am in a lot of pain, so not much getting done. So brief posts for a while.

Finally broke down and bought a swift. Duh. What was I waiting for? This thing is the bomb!

Jerry hung this peg board up in the loom room for me. It is very nifty and useful. Good for hanging frame looms and my Schacht tapestry loom.

That's all folks. Gonna go take some pills and put an icepack on :(