Jul 29, 2014

Pelted by gamma rays

Tomorrow begins my Cyberknife treatment for acoustic neuroma. I may come out looking like The Hulk (only the Jack Kirby rendition will do) but probably not. Pretty sure I'll just be my same old self. Well, mostly.

I'm looking at the computer screen and not really knowing what to say about all this. I have been in watch and wait for 5 years and frankly, it has been 5 years of fear and worry and I am tired of it. I am ready to have this treatment and then I would like to just put it behind me for a while. But realistically, symptoms will never really let me put it behind me 100%. But, as Duran Duran said, I will find my way to the ordinary world somehow. 

potting shed

We took a little trip to the parsonage this weekend. This was a good trip for me. I ended up feeling more focused on a few things.

white ginger

I realized that I have been really quiet the past few weeks. Jerry may disagree, but even he would have to admit that I am not my usual motor mouth self. Then I started to realize that I've been too "in my own head" lately. Too focused on myself and that's never good. But it is hard not to be sometimes, especially if there are health issues.

yellow ginger

Some of the local artists, craftsmen and creatives in Crescent City are trying to organize an arts and cultural guild. We met with Marcia, who is among the core people working on the nonprofit planning, and talked about various plans. The organization will be called the Multicultural Arts Guild Inc. and at this point I am waiting to receive information and a logo so that I can create a Facebook and Twitter account.

It sounds very promising. The plan is to be all inclusive culturally and artistically. And we discussed maybe partnering with the schools, which would be very cool.

After our meeting we took a walk up the street to The Curiosity Shop  which is a nifty antique store. I found this little fellow... isn't he awesome? There was so much cool stuff there. I got to talking to the owner who just so happens to be on the mailing list for the evolving art guild and works in stained glass and mosaics. We had a nice chat.

storm clouds over Lake Stella

All this and seeing Che and my grandpets helped me focus on other people for a while and my spirits were lifted.

My spirits were also lifted by some spinning and weaving. I finally got around to plying some of this churro that I had spun up a long time ago. The churro makes a very course yarn good for rugs and maybe tapestry.

And a little weaving...

I will do my best to be brave this week. I will look forward to good things in the future. I will put myself in God's hands.

My new theme song:

Jul 23, 2014

July endings

July has been an odd month. Both of the girls moving up to N Florida, have been for my preliminary MRI and CT scan / mask fitting, got a flu sort of virus, then my tooth started acting strange and achy, and I start my treatments officially on Wed. the 30th. I will not be sorry to see this month off on it's merry way. Honestly, I have been fighting off depression and sometimes I feel I am losing the battle. But I am getting much prayers and moral support from friends and family and I am very grateful for that. I will get through all this. I'm thinking of adding a page to this blog describing my experience with Cyberknife for other acoustic neuroma patients. I have had a lot of support and good advice from others and I would like to give back. So I will do that once I am a "postie  toastie" as they call them on the AN discussion board.

I haven't been doing much in the studio. Have been drawing and working with the Prismacolor pencils. I love them! They are so smooth and easy to work with. Drawing is very soothing for me and I have been clinging to my sketch pad this month a lot. My security blanket. 

I finished embroidering these little guys. Remember them? I thought they would look good on a pillow.

Jul 9, 2014

4th of July weekend

We went up to the parsonage for the weekend. I found myself wandering around the yard, and realized I didn't know half the names of the plants growing there. Luckily Cindy and Bill Minota stopped by for lunch and took us on a plant tour. Plants and a lot of other helpful hints... thank you both! Above is the pagoda plant. They grow pretty wild in the yard and I really like their gorgeous red flowers.

We have two stag horn ferns in the yard, both very large. They will need to be covered up for sure in the winter. 

Our ceramic chicken family. Maybe someday they will be replaced with real chickens!


White spider lily

Cone flower

I really loved these flowers. They bloomed from the bog plant that lives in a big pot by the deck. Had no idea that these plants bloomed!

When we got back to Hollywood, I wandered around that back yard as well... roses!

Finished the latest painting... Free avocados from the neighbor's yard

This may be my last post for a while. I will be having Cyberknife treatment next week and will probably be too tired to post. If you pray, please remember me in your prayers next week. Thank you :)