Oct 22, 2014


We spent the weekend upstate. Had visitors too. Welcome guests

Jerry did some repairs on the deck. Some of the boards are rotting so we're going to paint on our next visit. Thinking green to match the house trim.

Went to the antique mall to get vases for the girls. Found this handsome little fellow and brought him home.

And speaking of vases.... I did some experimenting with cut flowers from our yard. The purple flowers are water hyacinth which we have in our yard in a little water garden.

These are the water hyacinth after they opened up. They are very pretty but they only lasted the day. Next day they were starting to close up. Not good for cut flowers. Too bad. I really like them.

We went for a walk at Dunn's Creek. I like to walk back in there. It's quiet and there are very few people around. I feel I need that more and more. The deer must have been having a party. Their hoof prints were everywhere.