Randomly woven scarf... I like the way it came out, especially the drape. I'm not sure if it is technically saori or not, since I've read that in order to be truly saori, it has to be woven on a saori loom. I wove it on a rigid heddle loom. I put the question to the Weavolution saori group as to whether or not a piece had to be woven on a saori loom in order to be considered saori. Well that's not exactly what I asked. I asked if there were any difference between the saori loom and any other 2 or 4 harness loom. I mean the weaving is either plain weave or 4 harness, right? I've gotten no response as of yet.
I really liked the way the weft undulated between the warp... like ripples across water. I used a very light beat to achieve a gauze-like feel.
The heel she is done! And the stitches all look right. Now to conquer the ankle
This is Paton's Kroy sock yarn, color Blue Strip Ragg, over dyed with black. I love the way sock yarn looks when it's over dyed.
I finally decided on how to use the little green ball of yarn... Potato chip scarf!