Jan 24, 2013

Weaving demo

The weaving demo for the art guild went well. I think for a group of fine artists (and not craftsmen), they asked some good questions and enjoyed trying the spinning wheel. One woman in the group was a knitter so she understood a lot of the lingo. Another man in the group was a basket weaver. After the demo the guild gave me a check and the weaver gave me this awesome little palm frond basket... I felt like it was Christmas all over again!

I have to say, I thank God everyday that I'm weaving again. I was so afraid I was done for. And I still have pain and probably always will, but nothing as debilitating as before. So that being said, let me introduce you to my newest little friend, Mr. Inkle

I'm finding that inkle weaving is a lot less time consuming to set up than card weaving. Love that. I'm looking through The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory by Anne Dixon. She has a nifty little thing printed in the front of the book; The Craftsman's Creed:
All of the fine traditions and the skill
are mine to use to raise
my craft renown
and mine to teach again with
reverent will.
Thus do I love to serve,
with fingers that
are masters of the tool.

Thought that was pretty boss.