Feb 6, 2013

In the studio

I'm a bit behind with posting. Been sort of busy and have been trying to play catch up since our staycation. Even when I didn't go anywhere, I fell behind. Pathetic, really.

On the Kessy... I am working on this tapestry/runner for a dear friend of mine in N.C. who is going through a very rough time right now. But she will come through it with flying colors, I know. This piece will be 12x48" and will be ready to hang. I'm keeping in the Fibonacci spirit of things with the pattern and plain dimensions. The pattern will be done in a straight 2/2 twill, 12 pick color sequence. I didn't know how I wanted to do the design as far as color was concerned, but I think choice A on the left is more interesting. The piece is sleyed and dh will help me with the threading tonight.

On the inkle... I've started this little band as a test piece. I love the way the navy and yellow look together and was surprised when I did. The pattern calls for doubling up on yellow in two of the pattern threads, but I wanted to see what it would look like with light green and yellow instead of two yellow. No big deal really. You can't even tell there's any green in there. So instead of double yellow, I may try double purple just to give it a zing on the next one.

Someone is angry at me because I'm not getting up and getting him snacks. Look deeply into the glass... you'll see him. Oh brother.