Jan 7, 2013

paper stuff

We had a printmaking class last week. I had bought styrofoam sheets for this program but you can use the styrofoam trays that fruit and veggies come in. You draw your picture out in pen and then go over it pressing hard.

Then you paint on the styrofoam sheet and lay the paper over the sheet and press. Ta da!

Love the rocket ship!

Here's the little Mirrix. I've started a piece for the demo I'm doing on Thur. This little loom weaves like a dream! I have the 22" Zach model. I highly recommend this loom. Also my inkle loom should be coming today.

Here's a little tip I'd like to share. While warping the Mirrix, you can use a small roach clip with a heavy bead or weight of some sort to hold the warp in tension if, you know, nature calls or something. In other words, you don't have to get 'er done all at once. You can tell what era I'm from, right. Roach clips. They are awesome little tools.