Jun 26, 2014

Will this month never end?

Seriously, I'm ready for the July 4th weekend... a 3 day weekend for us

Just wrapping up this month with a couple of items. Found these awesome little salt and pepper shakers at the church bizarre. They are so Floridiana... is that a word? Wait, let me check... yes! It is. 

Jerry has been busy in the garden. He planted this little bed in the front yard to try to cover up the ugly fence our creepy neighbors put up before they moved away. They were also good enough to leave us a mosquito farm in their yard provided by a "pond" that has no working pump. How nice of them... not.

This morning I saw a rustling in the oak tree out back and thought it was my Maine coon, Levon. No, but close. Coon minus the Maine. Can you spot her?

In the studio.... this started out as one of my little paper doll people. I cut him out and put him in my pocket and took him to paint for fun night at Larry Joe Miller Studio. I started the painting at the event and finished him at home. I'm thinking of adding some more to this...hmmmm.....

Yummy avocados!

Jun 18, 2014

June happnins

Well, yet another child is moving away. Is it me? Do I offend? Actually I am very happy for them... the newlyweds. Chris got a job with BMW in Jacksonville and Bridget is going to go to U of N Florida for nutrition. Che, who is up there already, got a job in Palatka today, so it is all working out to plan. A plan I guess God has going that he hasn't actually clued me in on yet, but who am I to question. I am just happy for all of them. No, no... don't feel bad about leaving your poor old mother behind. I'll manage somehow...

I'm just not as good at the old Irish Catholic mother guilt as my mom is... hmmm....

Jerry thought that since the parsonage is surrounded by lakes on both sides , it would make sense to get a boat. Just a little fun 14' skiff. He's naming her after one of my favorite literary characters, The Orry Baxter. Awesome name!

Another message is emerging from the swamp... g...

Jun 13, 2014

Jun 5, 2014

I see someone has been weaving a lot more than me lately....

The garden is looking pretty good these days. The drought conditions of summer haven't taken hold yet. The rose bush is producing with a vengence!

Piecing some colors to Mr. Gator. Hmmmm.... not sure I'm liking this at all. Will need to play around with it some more.

Turn the lights off