My daughter Che made one when she was 4 years old. It's still hanging on our tree at home and she's 22 now, so they are pretty durable.
You need: red poster board, oak tag, black construction paper and felt pens, green glitter, cotton balls, and white school glue.
Make an oak tag star template then have a teen volunteer trace them and cut them out. I luckily have a bevy of teen indentured servants, who if they want to graduate from high school, must be at my beck and call. HA ha! If you don't have a teen handy you'll have to do it yourself. Ouch. You must also cut out little construction paper belts long enough to go across the star's belly. Then decorate!
This is mine... it looks like a deranged June Taylor dancer
We had a lot of fun making these little star people and I hope they will be hanging on these kids trees for 20 years or more.
I would like to say that my heart goes out to the parents of the 20 slain children in Newtown. Being a parent, I know how heartbroken and lost I would be. And the fact that this tragedy occurred at Christmas ... the ultimate children's holiday, is even sadder still.
I am so happy to work with children. I love their art and their happy faces when you tell them how much you like what they've made. I'm grateful to have the chance to do what I do.