This is a paper mache mask that I started as an example for a paper mache class I'll be teaching on the 13th. I just blew up a balloon and started layering newspaper strips coated in flour water over the balloon. I used plastic water bottle caps to make the eye holes. Note: take the plastic caps out while the paper is still wet. It was hard to get them out when dry. So I'm now going to add a nose, some warts and little horns or little eyes on stalks (Halloween mask) once again using newspaper and flour water.
I have not been weaving on the big loom and probably won't again. I've been diagnosed with arthritis and stenosis and warping the Big K has just become too much for me. However, don't cry for me Argentina... I am still planning a tapestry piece for my small Mirrix loom and I have gone full circle back to my love for collage and water color, so I'm happy.