Jun 4, 2018


May is a very busy month. A lot of birthdays in May. Including mine, ick.

Above is a new quilt I'm starting to design on the wall. I like designing on the wall. Even though I usually work new quilts out on grid paper, I ultimately end up using that only as a "draft" design so to speak. The wall is where it's at. It gives me that sense of freedom and "what if" that I really need.

Well, I tried to weave again because I forgot why I gave it up in the first place. Pain. I have cervical spinal stenosis and was diagnosed back in 2014 or so. Anyway, weaving hurts. So I put up my looms for good. Its alright... I need to settle down and focus on my quilting and painting anyway.

So hopefully June finds me more focused. I feel sad about not being able to weave anymore. I feel like this condition has taken a lot away from me. And just when I was feeling really sorry for myself, Jerry and I were walking along the boardwalk and saw a woman in a wheelchair being pushed by her family. Youngish woman. She had no legs... from the hip down, no legs. So I decided to shut the hell up and be happy I can still walk.

Then I saw this article about the British artist, John McClean, and I thought, now that's the kind of attitude to have.

Let the sun set on old things. And watch it rise on something new.