I finally feel like I'm coming back to the land of the living. Was able to work a half day yesterday and am going for a full day today. I will have to pace myself and rest when I feel I need to. Most AN patients say this and I believe it. I have added a page to talk about my Cyberknife experience for anyone who is thinking of doing this. So many people on the AN website have been so helpful. I would like to give back.
I should probably say that I've changed my URL (didn't know I could) to warpedandwoaded.blogspot.com just in case any of you dear readers have me bookmarked. And speaking of internet techie stuff...Jerry got a Google Chromebook and so far it is pretty nifty. Blogging is much nicer since I can now take my time and write instead of trying to hurry through my posts during my lunch break at work. My only complaint is that Chromebook seems to have a hard time working in certain parts of the house, like the loom room where I like to sit and do my thinking. You have to be in the living room where the modem lives to get any kind of speed.
During my convalescence, I did quite a bit of reading. One of the books I got interested in is The Knitter's Life List by Steege. There are lists of what you could or should try as a knitter, some techniques, knitting history, info on fiber festivals. It's an all around interesting book for needle clickers.
I also had time to catch up on some old Handwoven magazines. Found an interesting article in the May/June 2013 issue about Anni Albers and the Bauhaus weavers.
The article was saying that the Bauhaus weaving was attempting to stay "true to the vertical and horizontal nature of weaving" and was heavily influenced by the industrial landscape of the 1920's. This got me thinking about the bar and chain inkle I'm working on and much of plain weave inkle, which can have a Bauhaus "bent" to it. So this all excited my curiosity in reading more about Bauhaus textiles and Anni Albers. Grabbed a copy of her Selected Writings on Design.
I also had time to finally finish knitting this bear for the Mother Bear Project. He's only been on the needles for like a year. My daughter said that the child this was supposed to go to has probably graduated from college by now. Wise guy.
I'll embroider a face on him and use all the long tails to sew up the sides. Then I'll make him a sparklie necklace with some bling type yarn and voila! Ze bear... she iz fini!