This is a sample piece that I'm weaving on the big loom. The pattern is from Marguerite Porter Davison's book... the triple draught bird's eye. This is very dainty weaving for me. I'm used to doing big hunking rugs. But I'm having fun with it.
Mar 29, 2012
Late March
While eating eggs the other morning, I decided it was time to break out the rigid heddle loom. This is some warp and weft sample choices to see how they might work together. The warp is assorted cotton yarns. The weft is this incredibly soft acrylic yarn (Bernat Softee Baby). Scarves should be soft on the neck...end of story. I'm also throwing a gold sparkle crochet cotton into the weft mix. All of the yarns are from my stash. There's no real rhyme or reason to placement of warp colors. I just sort of shut my brain off (not real hard for me to do) and let go.