Jan 7, 2010

Broken heaters

Finished the variegated Valentine's scarf. Came out very toasty warm and pretty.

We came home to a broken heater last night. Poor Che was frozen. Sammy was shivering. It was supposed to go down to 34. Yay. So, Gerry and I went to HD to get a new thermostat, thinking that must be the problem. Ger installed it and it's nice. We needed a new one anyway. But it didn't fix the problem. So we slept under about 5 quilts...well I did. Gerry just slept under the comforter because he's a New Yawka. Sammy crammed himself in our bed up under Gerry's armpit I think. So the guy came and fixed it this morning. Good thing because we're getting another cold front this weekend.

Littleman found himself a nice warm place to hide. I was putting away towels this morning and heard this weird motorboat sound. There he was in the towels, purring away.