I'm attempting to put a piece together for the SAQA 12x12 benefit auction.
It's a water piece so lots of blues. I thought I'd play around with fabric weaving to get a more "stressed" sort of fabric feel. And hopefully a bit more random. I did the whole 12x12 background in weave and wasn't happy with it. It wasn't random enough. I'm not even sure what I mean by that either. Just something I felt. So I'm playing around with it. I'm calling the piece
River Bath
We went home this weekend to see the kids and baby and just get our heads clear in general. I brought Miss Ivy along to have something to work on. And thanks to these gloves I bought at Joann's, I can hand sew again. Why didn't I think of this sooner?
I don't know if it's because of the time change or what, but I've been noticing shadows a lot lately.
I don't know if it's because of the time change or what, but I've been noticing shadows a lot lately.
The light plays on things at home that make you stop and notice. Make you feel homesick for things you can't even name.
Well, I can name this little person that I'm always homesick for. Prince Booboo has shadows dancing across his face. Perfect peace.