Mar 22, 2016


 I'm attempting to put a piece together for the SAQA 12x12 benefit auction.
It's a water piece so lots of blues. I thought I'd play around with fabric weaving to get a more "stressed" sort of fabric feel. And hopefully a bit more random. I did the whole 12x12 background in weave and wasn't happy with it. It wasn't random enough. I'm not even sure what I mean by that either. Just something I felt. So I'm playing around with it. I'm calling the piece River Bath

We went home this weekend to see the kids and baby and just get our heads clear in general. I brought Miss Ivy along to have something to work on. And thanks to these gloves I bought at Joann's, I can hand sew again. Why didn't I think of this sooner?

I don't know if it's because of the time change or what, but I've been noticing shadows a lot lately.

The light plays on things at home that make you stop and notice. Make you feel homesick for things you can't even name. 

Well, I can name this little person that I'm always homesick for. Prince Booboo has shadows dancing across his face. Perfect peace.


Mar 11, 2016

Many Moons fini

Grand baby quilt #2 is finished.

Why moons? Well, when Clara's mommy was a very little girl, I would take her to daycare on my way to work very early in the morning,... so early that the moon was often times still out. My daughter would sit in her car seat in the back and look out the window at the moon. I would sit in the front seat and make the moon talk to her. "Good morning bumblebee". And she would have whole conversations with the moon. So when it came time for a quilt for my little girl's, baby girl, I thought

Found an article in a recent Quilter's Art Magazine by Jude Hill. I usually just skim over magazine articles, so I was skimming this one and saw the word "weaving" which stoked my old weaver's fire (I have been thinking recently of pulling my Mirrix down from the closet and doing a little weaving). Unfortunately, the magazine disappeared before I had a chance to read the article, so the only words I remember are "weaving" and "backing cloth". I decided to just go with those two words and had a lot of fun with it! Jude Hill hand sews her quilts, which I can't do anymore because of arthritis in my hands. So I took my little woven strips to the sewing machine and played around with the free motion quilting foot. Making really cool, random sort of blocks? No measuring and rotary cutters? Yes please! This may be my new regular Saturday night thang.

Mar 3, 2016

Boababs and finish lines

I am finally beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel with Many Moons. Doing wonky stars with free motion quilting for the pattern. When next I post about this quilt, it will be completed which should be by the end of next week. 

Driving home the other day, I saw the sun setting behind this big wonderful Boabab tree that I pass almost everyday, and thought I would share. I'm not sure how it got where it is, which is sandwiched in between the traffic of US 1, the railroad tracks and the Fort Lauderdale airport. Wedged into this noisy, bad smelling place. It doesn't belong here. I know how it feels. I wish I could rescue it but I can't even rescue myself right now from this noisy, bad smelling place.