Apr 22, 2014
April endings
Some hand quilting on an abstract piece. Sitting and stitching is very relaxing. Very meditative. And I need that right now.
Big life stuff happening and I am feeling a bit nervous about it. I have a job interview tomorrow for my old job in the library I used to work in. No new learning curve or anything, but I have grown to hate interviews. The house was appraised for more than our offer, so for all intents and purposes, it is ours. Just waiting for a closing date. And all this with wonky head. My balance has gotten worse in the past 6 months. I am nervous about our trip to Miami to see the doctors. But I am trying very hard. Jerry and I started doing Tai Chi and I think that it is helping already. We have a weeks vacation coming up, so hopefully we can go up to Crescent City and close on the house that week. I will try to relax and not worry. Then after vacation, we'll go to Miami.
I made a sort of lame yet functional design wall in the loom room. It really helps to be able to see what I'm working on. If you look at a piece for a while, you can get new ideas and what not.
Went to get in my car this morning and was greeted by these two. They are just growing out of the lawn. Just the two of them. Little reminders of hope.