Oct 20, 2010
Slower than slow cloth
...that should be a separate category for me. I weave like I went to college...changing majors every semester and now with weaving, changing designs every rug.
You probably can't see this very well, but this is my pattern so far. Not crazy about it. Not at all. Believe it or not, it's supposed to be a straight 2/2 twill, 12 pick color sequence. It looks like pancakes!
So I'm thinking of switching to this Krokbragd pattern from the book I just ordered, The Handweaver's Pattern Directory. Even though I've never done Krokbragd. How hard can it be? HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Well, we'll see. I'll do a little test run. I am sure that I want to add this yarn color...
My friend and I had a little dye fest up at her place. She made a big batch of this lusious Rit dye that we made by combining Wine and Tangerine. I dyed this yarn, originally natural color, and she dyed some baskets. They came out real pretty. I didn't even know you could dye baskets! Check out the Rit website. They give you formulas for different color combinations.
On the animal front....I don't know if I mentioned this, but I found this little turtle on the side of the road, after I watched a car hit him and send him flying. He's the little guy at the bottom of the pool. He is a red ear slider and not indigenous to Florida. So I brought him home and put him in the pond with big turtle. That was about a week ago. Now, he's not in the pond anymore. I hope Sammy didn't tell him to "get in ma belly!"