So my vacation is over, or staycation really. I did absolutely nothing. Partly because it rained almost every day. I had one day where I was able to go to sunny Hollyweird Beach and that was nice. Felt good to swim. We also went out to dinner a bunch and rode the scooter around town. Just relaxing. And I thought I would get more done in the loom room but, no. I was really in relaxation mode. This is the block weave / shaft switching sampler. I have pretty much figured this out and am playing with a simple design idea for a rug. I have some math questions though, which I'll probably post on Weavolution. I've been reading Peter Collingwood's book; the chapter on block weaves and he started using fractions...I saw 3/4 and 4/3 and my eyes glazed over. You could tell this man was a surgeon ... the man was SMART! So I need to find someone to dummy the math parts down for me. Math and I have never been friends.
I finished the scarf I was weaving on the rigid heddle. I was a little concerned at first that it would be too stiff and have no drape. I realized halfway through weaving it that I had a lead foot on the beater, but I figured I should just be consistent at that point. But once I washed it and steam ironed, it came out nice and soft. Will make a nice Autumn scarf.
Realized that I never put a picture of this up...the finished krokbragd wall hanging. I am not really jazzed about the colors. But it is an exercise in Fibonacci numbers. I made the grey's and white in varying Fibo-numbers in inches. That was fun...I'm not totally anti-math.