I'm trying to get my looms in order and ready to weave when I get back in two weeks. Haven't been doing much because thanks to hurricane Danielle and now Earl, there have been waves. We've surfed all weekend, and after the crummy flat summer and having to drive 2 hours up coast, it's been real nice to get some local action, so to speak.

I fixed the broken apron string. I hope this string holds, as it was a bit thinner than the string that was already on there.
Then a little Olde English lemon oil to spruce her up a bit. Changed the heddle to the 5 dent. So I'm ready to start that next rug when I get back.

Then onto the rigid heddle. I was starting to weave a sampler/wall hanging and I just wasn't feeling the love. So I cut it off. This is what's left. I started measuring out the warp for something I'd like to try when I get back. I want to play around with an idea for a rug using lots of stash yarn that I haven't used and can't see any use for in the immediate future. It's part of my clean up, break down, simplify, use it up "thing" that I'm going through. Or menopause...whatever you want to call it. Anyway, it should be neat. We'll see.

One of my art buddies, Larry, gave me this nifty little folding album. So I decided to make it a Sumi album. These things are cool but a little nerve racking because if you screw up a painting, it's stuck there in your album. You can't rip the page out because you're album will fall apart, which would be a bummer.