Sep 27, 2009

Ladies dancing

Forgot this picture. When we were in PA, we walked downtown to see the livestock auctions and then to the park to the Fiddler's Picnic, an annual event. I took this at the picnic. Something about these little ladies caught my eye. The picnic was very cool. A lot of follk music and very nice people, but strange too. I got a feeling of deep sadness and can't explain why.

Sep 15, 2009

What I did on my summer vacation

Well, let's see. First we bought a 1987 Travel Master (see previous post). I thought that this alone would provide enough comic material to last a few postings. Not so. Daisy performed very well accept for some leaking in the Smokies and another incident that I’ll get to. But first…

Here is Gerry at a rest stop in ... oh heck, I don't remember. One of the Carolina's. At rest stops, you either go to the car side of the building or the truck/RV side. We barely qualified for the truck/RV side as you can see. Daisy is little. And she also has a cataract on her left headlight.

First we went to the Smokies. We camped at Smokemont, or as I liked to call it Smoke-em-if-ya-got-em mont. Apparently, the N. Carolina side of the Smokies is like some kind of rain forest, which is how we discovered Daisy has a little leaking problem. Who knew? Well Bobby did. We met Bobby at Smokemont and we all sort of came together because he too owns a little Daisy. He gave us all sorts of advice on these little campers. He's a super nice guy. We exchanged emails.

Here's Gerry at our campsite.

It was beautiful, as it always is there. There was an abundance of funky fungus and I had to snap pics of all of them. Here's one example.

The leaves were just starting to turn.

While on vacation, I took along Dowde's book on freeform crochet and decided to teach myself...

Here's a pic of me at New Found Gap. Be kind. I haven't bathed in a few days. No water or electric in the Smokies.

Here's me standing in one of the freezing streams. The water was so cold, I literally had a pain shoot up my back when I stepped in it.

This is my Uncle Joe...he's a movin' kinda slow. Ok...not really. He was a park employee at the old mill. He's from Jersey. Somehow, the authenticity was missing there.

Here's an artsy fartsy shot at the mill...

Has Gerry got a short sale deal for you! After the Smokes, we went to the Biltmore. $55 to get in, but worth it. You spend the whole day there. It was awesome. Especially the winery ;)

This is a good one. I was trying to be artsy here. Had no idea I had the lion chomping someones head off! Didn't even notice it until I looked at the picture 2 or 3 times.

Gerry picking the statue's nose....sigh...I think it's a statue of Plato or "Play Dough" :)

Then on to Pennsylvania. I taught my mother-in-law how to weave on the potholder loom.

Here she is in the ducky hat she won at the Farmer's Market

We had a great time in PA. The weather was perfect. In the 50's at night and 70's during the day.

Farms, corn, ham, tatters.....uuuuuuummmmmm!

Then we started home. We got as far as Rocky Mount, NC and poor Daisy got a flat tire. Unfortunately, it's a bit more involved with duel axle. So we had to have road side assistance. There were complications and we wound up having to stay over night. But the mechanic was awesome! They went out of their way for us ... so if you ever break down around Rocky Mount, call Automotive Express!

Daisy's flat foot.

A somewhat distressed Ger...

All in all it was a great vacation. We both came back tired but relaxed too. We met a lot of really nice people along the way. Camping is just way fun. But I think Daisy should stick to Florida from now on....she is getting on in years.
To see all the pics, click here